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Welcome to Sponne School

Iain Massey Headteacher

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Sponne School website.

Our motto is to Dream, Believe, Achieve and all that we do is aimed at enabling our young people to reach their goals.  This was inspired by a previous student, Tom Hollick who passed away just before his GCSE exams in 2017 but has left a legacy with us of a commitment to high aspirations and being inclusive of everyone in our community. We strive to enable students to believe in their potential futures, to be proud of what they do and to show respect to others.  This enables us all to be motivated to achieve our dreams whilst celebrating achievements across the school.

As Headteacher I feel very privileged to live and work in our community.  We pride ourselves on the positive relationships that exist between staff and students and the high quality teaching that our young people receive. None of this could be achieved without parental support and we recognise how lucky we are in our community in this regard.

Alongside the academic learning for our young people it is vital that their wellbeing is supported and this is a real strength at Sponne.  We have all seen a rise in the number of mental health issues that people have faced and the positive relationships that exist here have enabled everyone to be compassionate and to show a generosity of spirit to others.

I look forward to continuing to work in partnership with our parents and with the established network of schools in the Tove Learning Trust.  I have no doubt that the long established collaborative working practices will continue to enable our students to achieve their dreams

Iain Massey - Headteacher 

Iain Massey Headteacher

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Sponne School website..

Our motto is to Dream, Believe, Achieve and all that we do is aimed at enabling our young people to reach their goals.  This was inspired by a previous student, Tom Hollick who passed away just before his GCSE exams in 2017 but has left a legacy with us of a commitment to high aspirations and being inclusive of everyone in our community. We strive to enable students to believe in their potential futures, to be proud of what they do and to show respect to others.  This enables us all to be motivated to achieve our dreams whilst celebrating achievements across the school.

As Headteacher I feel very privileged to live and work in our community.  We pride ourselves on the positive relationships that exist between staff and students and the high quality teaching that our young people receive. None of this could be achieved without parental support and we recognise how lucky we are in our community in this regard.

Alongside the academic learning for our young people it is vital that their wellbeing is supported and this is a real strength at Sponne.  We have all seen a rise in the number of mental health issues that people have faced and the positive relationships that exist here have enabled everyone to be compassionate and to show a generosity of spirit to others.

I look forward to continuing to work in partnership with our parents and with the established network of schools in the Tove Learning Trust.  I have no doubt that the long established collaborative working practices will continue to enable our students to achieve their dreams

Iain Massey - Headteacher 

Term Dates Download
Term Dates Download
Stantonbury Prospectus
Stantonbury Prospectus

School News

Birmingham Symphony Hall

Birmingham Symphony Hall

Congratulations to members of Sponne Brass Band, Sponne Jazz Orchestra and Sponnaissance who performed in the...

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Year 12 Mock Election

Year 12 Mock Election

On Thursday, our Y12 students took part in a mock election. Having explored the candidates standing in the South...

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School transport Cost Increase

Please note that west northants council have confirmed the non-entitled school transport cost has been increased to...

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Sport News

School Games Finals

School Games Finals

At Moulton College today for the School Games Finals! Students from year 7-10. Netball Umpires, Archers Teams and Touch Rugby Team…GO SPONNE!

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Netball Leaders

Netball Leaders

On Wednesday 19th June we hosted the Y5/6 South Northants Bee Netball Tournament, umpired by our leaders, many of whom are new to umpiring and the...

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KS1 Festival

KS1 Festival

A very hot but fabulous day with our KS1 Cluster Schools, Silverstone, Greens Norton, Blakesley, Towcester, Nicholas Hawksmoor and Marie Weller. 200...

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Birmingham Symphony Hall

Year 12 Mock Election

School transport Cost Increase


Rotary Young Writers' Competition

Regional Festival of Music for Youth

Music News

French Trip

National Careers Week

Last Night of the Proms


Progress Learning Leaders

Year 7 : Mr S Trusler
Year 8 : Ms H Turton
Year 9 : Ms C Fox
Year 10 : Mr P DeBoo
Year 11 : Mrs K Jaycock
Year 12/13 : Mrs H Mort

Head of Sixth Form : Mrs H Mort

Mrs Y Farrell

Senior Leadership Team

Mr I Massey

Deputy Headteacher
Mrs C Underwood

Assistant Heads
Ms L Bhakta
Mrs C Cutler
Mrs R Chapman
Mrs K Notley

Associate Assistant Heads
Mr A Langman
Mrs J Goodall
Mr J Hollamby
Mrs S Halling

School Business Manager
Mrs S Onley 

Contact Us

Sponne School,
Brackley Road, Towcester,
NN12 6DJ

Tel: 01327 350284

Sponne School
Tove Learning Trust Logo
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Swan Teaching School